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Pumpkins: Why are they orange?

  • by Nicholas Malkani
If you've ever sat sipping a pumpkin spice latte and pondered the wonders of the universe, particularly during the fall season, you're almost indubitably to have had one of life's greatest mysteries pop into your head: why in the world are pumpkins orange?

Okay, maybe it's not quite up there with "Why did the chicken cross the road?" but it is a question that can certainly be the highlight of your fall holiday trivia contests.

The answer to this puzzling question involves two main elements: carbon and hydrogen. You might be thinking, "Wait, are we discussing chemistry or pumpkins?" Well, grab your lab coat and a pumpkin, because we're diving into the world of pumpkin science! Specifically, it requires a symphony of 40 carbon atoms and 56 hydrogen atoms coming together in a harmonious compound known as beta-carotene.

Now, beta-carotene might sound like a high-stakes game show, but it's the superstar behind pumpkins' radiant orange hue. In fact, it's named after the Latin word for carrot. Yes, you heard that right – carrots and pumpkins have a colorful connection. And if you ever find yourself in a debate about why pumpkins are orange at your local coffee shop, you can casually drop this tidbit and watch as your friends marvel at your pumpkin prowess.

But hold on, there's more to beta-carotene than just being a pigment provider for your favorite winter squashes. This superstar compound has a secret life within the human body. It moonlights as a vitamin-A factory, converting into the vitamin that helps you see in the dark. So, next time you're navigating a dimly lit pumpkin patch searching for that perfect specimen, thank beta-carotene for having your back.

But that's not all! Beta-carotene is not just a one-trick pumpkin pony. It's also an antioxidant, a superhero in the world of molecules. It battles those pesky free radicals that threaten to turn our cells into a chaotic carnival. So, not only does itgive pumpkins their vibrant color, but it's also a shield-wielding guardian for our precious cells.  So, the next time you enjoy your pumpkin spice latte, remember that beneath that delicious foam and cinnamon sprinkle, there's a world of orange wonders waiting to be explored.  Cheers to the glorious, enigmatic pumpkin and the science that brings its vibrant hues to life!

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